You deserve the best!

Tecfuse USA is a company integrated by two large manufacturers of electrical equipment: Tecfuse and ITB. Both companies are located in the city of Birigui, State of São Paulo, Brazil. We have a diversified line of distribution systems fuse links (Type H, K and T), transformers for several applications in urban, rural and industrial networks.

Our portfolio also composes lines of automatic single-phase voltage regulators and dynamic reactive power compensators. Both companies maintains the strictest quality standards while maintaining the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001and ISO 45001. We have to mention ITB Electrical Equipments is one of the largest transformers and automatic regulators industries in Latin America.

Why Tecfuse?

Bring to the market high quality fuse links, transformers and automatic voltage regulators for distribution systems that meet the most demanding international standards, to increase the satisfaction of our customers, ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of our processes through a quality management system based on ISO 9001, 14001, 45001.
Leading the power protection industry, based on quality and competitiveness. With capacity to serve the domestic and international markets, by ethical means, oriented to the satisfaction of our customers and employees working in TECFUSE and itb. The direction and management level of the companies are composed of staff with over 50 years experience in manufacturing fuse links, transformer and automatic regulators.

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